by Growing_Handmade | Apr 24, 2022 | Marketing Handmade, Selling Handmade
As a handmade business owner, do you currently have a sales funnel in place? Ok, ok, I hear you all crying out with a “A say what now Jules?!” A big thing I continuously hear people struggling with in their handmade business is gaining consistent sales....
by Growing_Handmade | Apr 9, 2022 | Marketing Handmade
Hey beautiful, Be your best brand ambassador? What exactly does this mean? When you are looking for brand ambassadors to show off your business and products, what are you looking for? People with enthusiasm for your product I expect. People that can take good...
by Growing_Handmade | Feb 12, 2022 | Marketing Handmade
What is a call to action (CTA)? Hey hey handmade business friends, I thought I would pop on in with another tip for you, are you finding this series useful? Let’s talk CTA’s. Firstly, what is a CTA? If you are unsure – let me help. It’s a Call...
by Growing_Handmade | Feb 5, 2022 | Marketing Handmade, Social Media
What are online market nights and what do you have to do as a seller? Having recently set up the first market night for Growing Handmade members to take part in over on Facebook, I have received numerous queries from people asking what a market night actually is, and...
by Growing_Handmade | Feb 2, 2022 | Marketing Handmade, Social Media
When you use Facebook as part of your social media marketing strategy, you can have a business Facebook page or a group (or both!) . But many people are confused between the two – so what’s the difference? A Facebook page works like a public profile. It...
by Growing_Handmade | Feb 1, 2022 | Marketing Handmade
You may have seen a recent Facebook post on my page discussing Target Customers and it really got me thinking about how difficult so many people find the concept of narrowing down their audience. So often I ask people who their target market is and I hear ‘Erm,...
by Growing_Handmade | Jan 4, 2022 | Marketing Handmade, Social Media
I have noticed that a huge number of crafters are active in various networking and engagement groups on Facebook and Instagram. For those that haven’t heard of such a thing, these groups are set up to help small business owners gain comments and post likes on...
by Growing_Handmade | Dec 30, 2021 | Marketing Handmade
When putting your products out there on social media and hoping they catch someone’s eye – who will then go on to purchase something from you, you should always be thinking… “Show and Add Value” But what does that mean? Well, when you...
by Growing_Handmade | May 30, 2021 | Marketing Handmade, Social Media
Should you use hashtags on Facebook? When asking experts just a few short months ago if hashtags should be used on Facebook, it appeared to be a question that really divided opinion. Although some social media experts would suggest that using hashtags was of no use...