What is a call to action (CTA)?
Hey hey handmade business friends, I thought I would pop on in with another tip for you, are you finding this series useful?
Let’s talk CTA’s.
Firstly, what is a CTA? If you are unsure – let me help. It’s a Call To Action. Put simply, that is telling, or directing the reader to do something or ‘take action’.
So, for many of you this will be directing someone to your Etsy shop to make a purchase, or enticing someone over to sign up to your newsletter. It may be to ask people to go over to your website to read your blog, or go to check out your latest video on YouTube. It could be as simple as asking the reader to answer a question in the comments.
It is encouraging a person to not just leave and carry on with their scrolling, but to stay connected in some way.
The human brain is a funny ol’ thing. Often we need to be nudged into taking action. So, we may see an item we love on someone’s feed, we may click that heart, skim through the text, and think to ourselves, well that’s just lovely…but that’s it, done and gone.
But if that picture speaks to us, we go on to read the caption. Then if it resonates, we want to find out more… but what if we are left hanging? What if we don’t know where to go? What if we aren’t sure what to do? Where can we buy it? Is it even for sale?
Make it easy for that visitor. Be clear about where it can be found, and how to get there.
I’m not talking about being Sarah Salesy Icky Pants. No ma’am! I’m talking about helping, not pushing. Guiding, not forcing. Suggesting, not spamming.
Test out different wording to see what works for you and your customer base. Think about what action you want your viewers to take so they convert into buyers. How can you funnel them down that customer journey from being aware that you exist right down to being a raving fan that buys and tells their friends about you.
Tomorrow I’ll talk about that customer journey, but for now have a think about how you can encourage people to take that next step.
And my CTA for you? Go and check out my website so you can find out how you can work with me and grow your business for a stupidly affordable monthly fee! The direct link is in my bio.
Love Jules x

If you want help and support to grow your handmade business, then the club is exactly what you need.
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