When putting your products out there on social media and hoping they catch someone’s eye – who will then go on to purchase something from you, you should always be thinking… “Show and Add Value” 

But what does that mean? 

Well, when you are posting a product on your page, rather than saying ‘Painted pebble, pocket hug, £5 inc. P&P’ which I see so often.  Say something like… ‘Handpainted pocket hug, perfect for showing someone that you are thinking about them and you care.  This handpainted pebble is ready to send, and measures 3cm x 2cm.  It arrives to you lovingly wrapped in tissue paper and presented in an organza bag.  If you wish for it to be sent directly to the recipient on your behalf, I can include a personalised handwritten note – just tell me what you wish it to say! Just £5.  Free UK postage.’ 

See the difference? 

You have answered questions a buyer may have (sizing, ready to go, and price). And can you see the value you are adding by just mentioning the packaging, that it can be sent to the recipient, and offering a handwritten note?  Now that seems a whole lot more for £5 doesn’t it? 

Make your products a no brainer easy buy – think about the most common questions a buyer may have, and perceived value – the tissue paper, organza bag, and a note are mere pennies to add to your costs, but add a whole lot of perceived value to your customer.

(But do make sure you price your goods correctly – you are a business remember, you need to make money!) 

Your descriptions shouldn’t be a long essay, but they do need to be written as if someone that has never purchased handmade before is reading it.  Pretty packaging with tissue paper or a gift bag is very common from handmade sellers – and it adds such a beautiful touch that sets us aside from the big guys.  But if you don’t mention it, how will your buyers know that they don’t have to worry about gift wrapping or additional postage to their friend?  If someone has never bought handmade before then they might look at £5 for a pebble with a bit of paint on it as being a bit much right?  So show the added value they are getting when advertising! 

Let me know your thoughts on this, does it help you?

Love Jules x


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