Let’s make business building easier for you – how can I help?

I offer a range of website services to help you to create the best online home for your business using WordPress and the premium Divi theme.

From the initial set up through to revamping and tweaking existing pages, website audits (like an MOT for your website) and WordPress tuition, I can help to make your WordPress website tasks easier and stress free.

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My range of social media services is offered to help you to be able to focus more on the creating and making side of your business and less on the marketing and time-zapping community building side.

I offer a social media takeover service – where I run your accounts on your behalf, or a more budget friendly option of creating the content for you to publish yourself.

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For those that want to further develop their learning, and want to have extra support, I offer a monthly membership community and a one to one online tuition service.

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